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Old 2nd October 2011, 07:46 PM   #1
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Default Interesting Mexican Presentation Sword

When I obtained this machete as part of a lot it was extremely dirty and the blade entirely encrusted in dirt and rust. Total length 22", blade length 16 3/4". Not thinking it was interesting at all, I used the blade to test various cleaning methods. I was surprised to see the blade decorations which include the following, and now I'm motivated to learn more about the traditions of such blades.

On one side, it says:
F-Florez Hdez.
B. Juarez -34
Ocotlán Oax
Ocotlán is a small city in Oaxaca.
Hdez is probably an abbreviated "Hernandez"
My guess is that he was born in Juarez in ??34.

And on the other:
"El respeto el derecho
Es la paz recuerdo de Oaxaca"
Translation: Respect the law. Peace is the memory of Oaxaca.

Any thoughts?

- Dave A.
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