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Old 1st October 2011, 07:24 AM   #14
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many moons ago when these axes were used seriously in combat, the area of northern india/pakistan/afghanistan was not so specificly assigned to those countries, pakistan did not exist, and the area was essentially known as the hindu kush/northwest frontier and comprised of a large number of small tribal states. i would assume (always dangerous) that there was enough interaction between the inhabitants of the area (i.e. war) to spread a variety of weapons about the area, local copies and versions made in more dedicated manufacturing centres also would blur the boundaries (as would recently made repros). it is likely that an exact location of manufacture will remain unknown, but it appears to be from that general area. in any case it's a very nice axe and i'd be proud to have it in my collection.

one sort of interesting but obscure tidbit i came across was that if you map out the worlds population density & figure out the mathematical centroid, the point falls in the hindu kush.

Last edited by kronckew; 1st October 2011 at 07:36 AM.
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