Everybody thanks for joining the discussion !
Yes it is realy hard to find some good info on keris from East Jawa , I did some reading in some books that i have but in no book that i have there is a clear description of keris like this . Personal I like keris like this the are ''big '' and have a rough appearance .
Then is there the question about the mendhak , the only that I could find was on the disk of Jensen in the chapter of East jawa . I'm copying a piece of it here
#############keris disc Jensen ################
The Mendaks are of the same types as those found in Central Java. The blades are
difficult to define. The Balinese/Western Javanese character may appear by the fact that
their blades are heavier and broader than the Central Javanese. Even if they are having
the same decorations as the Central Javanese ones they are more coarsely executed than
both the central Javanese and Balinese ones.
Or maybe the keris is from the time that the Balinese tried to invade in
Madura , like DA Henkel mentioned , Jensen is also writing a piece about that in the Madura Chapter.
Why is it that there is almost no history know of keris like this