What an interesting saber with a strong Badawi flavor. First let's look at the blade: geometrical profile appears to be European military saber of the late 19th century but the presence of gurdas suggest it was made primely for the trade market. The steel looks pattern welded! Rare but not out of the equation. Second, the hilt is a hybrid of North-African influence with degraded Nimcha-style guard and the grips are pure Bedouin technique, twin (horn?) slabs with simple rivets and reinforcing brass bands. I believe this is a kind of premium Sinai Bedouin saber put together, because of the high quality blade, the horn grips have unusual fine cannelures and the d-guard engraved with typical criss-cross pattern that can be seen on axe heads, war hammers, billhooks and even fire-steels from the region of Sinai and parts of Israel (I think also in Jordan).