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Old 23rd September 2011, 02:13 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by RDGAC
I would also suggest that joining a place like Ethno Arms can actually be quite daunting. There are a lot of obviously very expert lads and lasses on this site, and the discussion often veers off into byways and backwaters of history; not to mention discussions of chemistry (metallurgy especially) and physics (ballistics both internal and external, huzzah!) which are probably outside many people's ken - certainly mine!

Not that I wish to suggest that the forum is so off-putting as to discourage its growth, of course, but nonetheless. I certainly found myself a little nervous making my first posts, and expecting to be blasted across the room by the waves of disapproval at my actions from my monitor.

- Meredydd
Wow Meredydd, what a dramatic and anguishing perspective, wouldn't you agree?
Let me post a few lines to, in the least, regain some of the attraction which this forum is so hopefully persuaded to create, counterbalancing any of those 'fears' that may become contagious to newcomers .
For certain that the range of members of our community is composed by the most varied levels of knowledge, from plain enthusiasts (the larger number, my humble self included) to experts in this or that area. Also certain is that any of us may post the best we can offer that no one qualifies to criticise us for as much inaccurate as our impressions may be.
After all, there is only one thing we (and experts) certainly now, which is that "we kow nothing". Why presuming to know more than Plato ?
Yours humbly


Last edited by fernando; 23rd September 2011 at 02:27 PM.
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