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Old 22nd September 2011, 09:27 AM   #13
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: York, UK
Posts: 167

I would also suggest that joining a place like Ethno Arms can actually be quite daunting. There are a lot of obviously very expert lads and lasses on this site, and the discussion often veers off into byways and backwaters of history; not to mention discussions of chemistry (metallurgy especially) and physics (ballistics both internal and external, huzzah!) which are probably outside many people's ken - certainly mine!

Not that I wish to suggest that the forum is so off-putting as to discourage its growth, of course, but nonetheless. I certainly found myself a little nervous making my first posts, and expecting to be blasted across the room by the waves of disapproval at my actions from my monitor.

- Meredydd
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