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Old 20th September 2011, 06:59 PM   #6
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Evgeny, good call.....16th Light Dragoons it is.....or would have been if it had been on a troopers sword. This is of course, as Fernando points out, a M1796 British light cavalry officers sabre. One of these with this grade of nicely etched blade and with grip wrap intact would have been far more valuable without the 'graffiti' scratched into the langet.
Certain dealers with particular interest in the Sikh Wars might have been attracted to the this regiment as they were prominantly involved. However, they were lancers by this time and presumably arms would have been marked accordingly, not as light dragoons.

Michael, as noted the POW feathers were on sabres attributed to the 10th Light Dragoons around 1790s and then were in silver on a specially fashioned hilt issued c.1810 but only in small number (between 24 and 41 sabres) of the M1796 type. These were of course soon superceded by the M1821.
I am unware of the POW feathers appearing as a mark or symbolic on swords of other attribution...can you please say more on that?

All best regards,

Last edited by Jim McDougall; 21st September 2011 at 05:35 PM.
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