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Old 19th September 2011, 11:44 PM   #5
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 2
Default Apologies and more images

Here are the images and thank you AJ1356 for the translation. I have tried to fill the second cartouche with chalk, does it help any?

The second sword here is unusual, and unfortunately missing a quilllon. I believe this is a form of Lucknow hilt and the engravings on the hilt include the stork, corn and anglo/heraldic device on the langet. I think the parasol mark may indicate that it was associated with a royal armoury. There is also some additional inscription under the plating toward the hilt, hard to make out. If anyone has any suggestion for safely removing the plating I would be grateful though I am inclined to let time do the work, as it is flaking away.
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