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Old 19th September 2011, 06:24 PM   #8
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How long would this blade be? It seems unproportional to the grip, whatever purpose it might have. Justice (execution) swords would have a blade average length of 90 cms, width 7 cms., so i learned.
This type of grip is not uncommon; you can (at least) see similar ones in the Switz Landesmuseum, in XVII century examples, said to be of Zurich origin ... rather than 'more popular' German.
One amazing detail is that, probably for esthetic reasons, the smiths make these swords with quillons and even parrying guards, something rationally unnecessary for their job function.
The fullers on the blade are also rather uncommon, but they do appear sometimes; the German one in the Oporto Military Museum has two deep wide grooves.
Perhaps this is a setup, the blade having been reworked; no tip for a processional style and no length for a swinging executioner.
It is easy to assimilate that the leather protection once had some badge or insignia.
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