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Old 16th September 2011, 06:43 PM   #14
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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While Evgeny has 'left our building' it seems that there has been at last some activity on his thread over on 'the other side'. In the developing investigation I see that the pages (apparantly from the Zabloski book) which Vitaly posted on our original thread (on Ethnographic) have been posted on the thread.
As thier investigation ensues it seems they believe the sabre is early 17th century, however their observation is based on the Zablonski reference, and none of the material presented here seems to have been of any use to them. My invitation to openly use the material provided here over on the other forum was meant seriously, as I know my research is intended to be shared.
Wouldn't it be amazing if those serious about weapons research could 'share' information without interfora politics ? I can recall efforts for years many years ago trying to accomplish that, resulting rather unfortunately in the response. I regret that Evgeny left, and as always saw that glimmer of hope.
In any case, thank you all for your kind support here, you guys are great!!!

All the best,
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