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Old 14th September 2011, 06:21 PM   #8
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Interesting, and disappointing.
Evgeny, who appears to have 'left the building' apparantly chose to post his sabre here despite already being active on another forum. While I know there are a number of members out there quite well versed on these Eastern European swords, nobody bothered to add even the ever popular 'Facebook' blurbs.....yet Fernando offered courteous welcome.
With no response Evgeny returned to the other forum to post, which resulted in a whole two empty single line responses, the thread ended.

Disappointed that there were no responses here, I sought to retrace as much old information and notes as I could find to compile a worthwhile response, hoping I might be able to offer some help. I always enjoy these kinds of posts personally as I learn going through old notes and recompiling data with new context. I post the results here to share my findings, as always to continue what I have always believed is the goal learn together.

I have noticed mention in a number of threads and private messages that there seems to be a lack of interest which has extended to regularly posting members and beyond the usual lurking, though the number of views appear to reflect that activity maintaining well.

I had hoped the material I presented would prove helpful to Evgeny, and as always, I am pleased to know that perhaps others find it useful as well. I also always hope that it will promote or inspire others to add material they might have or share other examples. I just wanted to express these notes on this apparantly notable condition here which I hope will improve, and I truly encourage those of you out there reading to join in. I believe collecting should include research, and teamwork and participation in discussions are rewarding and beneficial to all.

Thanks for listening,

P.S. Jeff, I just saw your post on the other thread on the ethno side, my apologies for not noting your participation ...oops!!

Last edited by Jim McDougall; 15th September 2011 at 04:22 AM. Reason: add note to Jeff
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