Hi Michel! Thanks for the photo. Oh, what a shame. Yes, lock looks to be way over cleaned. Looks like someone used a wire wheel and Naval Jelly. Too bad. Notice the pawl springs do not match. Maybe an older replacement? But with that much over cleaning, it's hard to tell. Wonder if it's for sale?
Hi Fernando! Thanks for the photo. What an unusual piece. Never seen even a photo of a wheellock with that type of brass barrel. Not only is there no ramrod, there was no provision even made for one. I tend to agree with Michael that there was a special purpose for this piece. Notice the pawls look similar to the ones in Michaels photos.
Well guys, I purchased the Lock!! I'll receive it this week and let you know my thoughts. I was able to negotiate an even lower price than expected due to the missing sear assembly (which I'll have made). Here's a pic of the missing parts. And, I want to thank you BOTH for your assistance helping me decide. (I guess any excuse will work to buy this stuff
