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Old 10th August 2011, 04:03 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by kronckew

in other words, clear as mud. it does appear to allow 'confiscated' knives like the one shown, if turned over to the expressly designated authorities and a written request for the retention by the serviceman is filed at the time of turning over & approved by the authority.

never having been in this position myself, i don't know what forms, approvals and documentation would be generated. i'd assume that for a valuable antique such as this that permission to retain would be hard to get & a well documented paper trail would go with it.

reminds me of all the gold weaponry in saddam's various private arsenals.

My thoughts exactly.
We may be seeing a failure of process and a fine antique being treated with no more concern than a modern souvenir.
Which as I said above, asks a different set of questions in itself.
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