Hi, Michael. As usual, thank you for your wonderful assistance!! My reference material on European arms is very limited.
Agree with you on every point. I too, at first glance, would have placed the lock in the mid to 2nd half of the 18th Century. But, yes, I think we will consider this an 1800 item. The "leather" pieces in the jaws is in suprisingly good condition. Still fairly soft. But yes, definately OLD.
Very Early Locks: I "think" I've located an original Wheellock - Matchlock combination, lock only, that my contact says is in very good, complete, no pitting condition!!! He says the owner is interested in selling it. Hope he doesn't want too much money for it (yea, right!). I'll post it if I'm able to get my greedy little hands on it.
As long as I have your attention, maybe you (or others) can identify another Spanish miquelet lock I have. I will post photos in my next reply on this thread. Thanks Michael, Rick.