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Old 3rd August 2011, 06:40 AM   #4
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by katana
Hi Jim ,
thank you ...I had seen French swords with a very similar pommel (on the fluted handled sabre) but they were shorter ....US could be a good call. Hopefully they will arrive soon and I'll be able to improve the description ... I suppose I should be a little more patient ...a few pictures isn't really much to go on All the best

Kind Regards David

You bet David! I'm glad you posted these and we'll surely get closer in on the ID soon. I need to locate my copy of "The American Sword" (Peterson) on the fluted ivory one, and the other I'm pretty sure will turn up in Wagner ("Cut and Thrust Weapons"). Both are pretty well buried in here!
Thank you as always for your kind response

All the best,
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