Originally Posted by A.alnakkas
Hey Stu,
Your an advanced case of the addiction!
Yes, the belt on those 2 is new. Here in kuwait I either find them with new belts or no belts at all.
Can you see the star of david stamp on the back of the long jambiya? I think its of yemeni manufacture. There is a makers name within the stamp that is similar to the name on my yemeni knife but its damaged and I cant read clearly. Is it true that jewish yemeni blacksmithes are the only ones that put poems on jambiya blades? A few old men have told me this when they saw the jambiya, but am not sure.
..yes the addiction is well advanced. Am seriously thinking about a lot of time in Rehab!!
I can not comment on the (stamp) on the back of the long jambiya, but hopefully STEVE will come in on this thread, and he will know I think.
Regards Stu