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Old 30th July 2011, 08:05 PM   #7
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Thank you all Gentlemen for your help and considerations

Originally Posted by AJ1356
... It reads 'Amal e Omar (work of Omar) the number underneath read 126, if it was 4 digits then it could be the year it was made. I'm guessing a serial number. Nice musket by the way ...
Thank you so much for the precious translation, AJ1356. A valuable contribution indeed.

Originally Posted by rickystl
...How long is the barrel on your gun? Rick ...
The barrel measures 1,13 mts. (approx. 44 1/2"). The musket total length is 1,53 mts.; with a caliber of approx. 17 mm and a weight of 4 Kgs, incl. the ramrod. I wouldn't know whether the ramrod is the original one, but it fits fine and has a rather crude aspect, consistent with the period.

Originally Posted by kahnjar1
...I see the DOG lock has plenty of FELINE appreciation
Your two are much like ours...they like to get in the picture whenever possible ...
Oh Stu, they are worse than the silk worm. I tell them to move back, first gently and after followed by an utter yelling, but they don't give a sh...

Originally Posted by Norman McCormick
… I may be wrong, that occasionally A.H. dates have the last digit missing if it ends in a 0. If that was the case ? then it would be 1260 A.H. 1844 A.D., would be nice if it was ...
Bingo Norman. I have been digesting that hypothesis for a while; it makes a lot of sense. Looking at the Kabyle examples at Tirri's book, which later occurred to me to consult, the kind of date/s you suggest are similar to those in the book examples (Islamic Weapons, page 38).

Originally Posted by AJ1356
… Unfortunately, it does not happen that someone would just leave the zero out. We have to remember that it was the Arabs who invented the zero. However it might be hiding under that yellow line ...
Not necessarily a question of failing or forgetting the zero, but maybe an option, like a habit practised by this or another smith, as Norman appears to know of.
I find it more plausible that the fourth digit is missing in a date, for whatever reason, than the three digits representing a serial number, specially in this type of weapons. The date 1260 A.H./1844 A.D. seems quite logical for this gun's age.
Anyway there is no fourth digit hiding under the yellow circle.

Last edited by fernando; 30th July 2011 at 08:18 PM.
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