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Old 29th July 2011, 02:49 AM   #3
Amuk Murugul
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Hullo everybody,

Mark, as Alan says, there are always many variations to the wayang stories.
In this case, for instance, one variation has Siwa sending a 'magician' to give Arjuna the order.

As for 'Togogon', I have no idea. Is it tied in with the wayang stories?
If so, then it may refer to Togog, in which case here is my understanding of the relevant story:

In the beginning ..... during the time of kadewatan, Togog/Antaga was born as grandson to the ruler of Heaven. However, Togog was not comfortable with his existence and returned to his 'never-born' state. Sometime later he was born together with Semar/Kuda Pawana/Ismaya. Siwa/Manikmaya/Batara Guru was their younger brother.

When the time came for the ruler of Heaven to choose the next ruler from one of the grandsons, a contest was set up and the winner would be the next ruler.
The contest was to see who could swallow the mountain Jamurdipa whole and then regurgitate it whole.
Togog was the first to try but failed, when the active volcano erupted in his mouth, splitting his cheeks.
Semar tried next. He swallowed the mountain but could not regurgitate it.
Since the object of the test could no longer be present, Siwa was declared the winner by default.

Togog is often depicted with large round, bulging eyes, a flat nose, a 'peaked' hairdo and a very wide 'frog-like' mouth to depict his split cheeks. In profile, he could be mistaken for a frog. I have even seen him painted 'reddish'.
Both Togog and Semar are sometimes depicted with single front teeth.

Incidentally, while Siwa reigned in Heaven, Semar was sent to earth as counsel/guide/mentor for those who were good, while Togog was sent to earth as counsel/guide/mentor for those who were bad.

I hope some of this is relevant.


P.S. Sorry, I just had a thought.
Could the word actually be 'Togogan"?
In which case it could mean 'in the style of a togog'; where 'togog' is a decorative sculpted head, often festooned with flowers.

Last edited by Amuk Murugul; 29th July 2011 at 03:21 AM.
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