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Old 29th July 2011, 01:19 AM   #2
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

The war between the Pendawas and the Korawas was preceded by Siva coming to earth as a mystical teacher to try to negotiate peace between the two warring clans. Things are going pretty good, but Siva is opposed by Semar, so Siva orders Arjuna to go and whack Semar---this is real Mafia stuff--- Arjuna loves Semar as a brother, but Siva is the capo dei capi so Arjuna goes off to do the deed.

When Arjuna catches up with Semar, Semar says to him:-

You gunna do me like this ?


Me what's given you loyalty and love and followed you around all over?

Well, Arjuna feels his guts twist up and really don't wanna whack Semar, but what Siva says goes, so Arjuna tells Semar sorry buddy, but I gotta do it.

Semar says:-

Ok. Ok.

That the way it gotta be ?

Ok . I'll go burn myself.

So Semar goes and lights a big fire, jumps into it, and is magically transformed into his form as a god, then he comes out of the fire and goes and gives Siva hiding.

I don't know the story you are referring to Mark, but maybe the great insult is that Semar stood up to the Boss and shamed him.

These wayang stories vary a lot and there are a number of versions and number of ways of telling them. I'm not any expert on wayang, I only have a very general over-view.

However, it is important to understand the nature of Semar if one is to understand the fabric of Javanese society and culture.

Sorry, can't help with the Demon Frog.
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