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Old 27th July 2011, 05:20 AM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Torrance
Posts: 49
Default Aloha Bowl swap meet find

I believe what I have found in an example of a Katipunan knife. I was purchase froma filipino man at the Aloha swap meet last year he told me it was really old and he bought from another older guy. I paid him 40.00 US. This blade is 17 1/4 inches over all with blade length of 11 1/8th. The handle is made of looks to be carabo horn and the hand guard is made of cast brass and a effigy that looks like a Moro with a head band this what looks to be silver wire(?) for eyes and the jewelry in head piece. If I am correct that would put this knife in time of about 1894-1896. There was no leather shieth and the tip is slightly bent, possibly from being throw. a small chip is missing fron the head piece otherwise it is over in good shape. My question to the group is what region was this knife made in? I look at it and think Illacano? From Luzon? Any help would be good.
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