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Old 23rd July 2011, 11:03 AM   #1
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Default Looking for a lantaka with turtles, crocs, dragon, bird, & sun symbols

hello all,

attached are pics of a lantaka at a museum in cebu city, philippines. the museum curator pointed out that it is a bogus piece, however -- because the brass turned out to be just a veneer, and everything underneath is plain concrete. however, the piece is good for photo opp, thus the museum decided to put it on the museum's entrance (but not inside, for the reasons cited).

anyway, i believe in any case that the design (i.e., of having dragons, crocs, turtles, birds, and suns) was taken from an original piece/s. would any of the forum members have pics or info on similar lantakas, either from the philppines or indonesia/malaysia, or even from china perhaps?

thanks in advance!
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