Just a quick add; love that Dayak picture of that man with the face on its hat, Vandoo! (and the nice mandau) -not seen it before-
Just add two pics of a salakot-hat I have made of a half calabash and adorned on the inside (!) with rings wounded with colored thread; quite strange but very fine also. Early 20th cent. example. Also have included a pic to show that particular colorcombination that is characteristic from the area; Gadangtribe/ Tinguian tribe (Abra province, Luzon, N.-Phil.)
This will perhaps understate my findings a bit to you all. Although I have not encountered this specific type before.
Also a thing to add; different types of 'salakot' were worn allover the Philippines, and most you find are probably from the Visaya's or South.
best, Wouter