The dealer first presented this to me as a Safavid sword, and when i first saw it i doubt it that, and knew it had a Central Asian origin. The possibilities are high that is is Afghan, but for certain I can say it is not government or military, I have seen those as well and the workmanship is not at the level of this peice. So ethnic Northern Afghanistan or Central Asian / Bukharan seems probable to me.(one thing to remember I am told by dealers here that the ability to make wootz blades in afghanistan were lost around the time of Safavids, that is probably when they see blades with Jowhar they think it is Safavi) This does not have any kind of simi-precious jewels work, but I have a tiny knofe that does, well take pics later

I do appreciate all your posts as i personally did not know anything about shashkas until i saw this and started researching.