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Old 18th July 2011, 07:50 AM   #9
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 338

Thank you for the compliments, Ibrahiim.

In that case I think I will leave as is. It already looks a bit different. The dust has been cleaned out but I tried to be the least invasive possible. Used an old soft bristle toothbrush to clean the crevices and did not use any abrasives like steel wool or sandpaper. Just a cotton cloth with some tru-oil that's been diluted with mineral spirits. My goal is not to bring out a shiny or glassy surface, rather just maintain it in its current condition as much as possible. The patina and darkened (exposed) and lighter areas (Where the hilt wrapping and former fittings used to be) are still distinct.

My only concern is the amount of moisture this wood still absorbs. I want to give it a few more coats of oil to fill the grain, but am not sure how this will affect the patina. As it is, I think it is well preserved, but like I said it "drinks" up the moisture from my hand fairly quickly still.

Would a coat of Renaissance Wax help keep a reasonably safe barrier against moisture and further deterioration or should I keep oiling it till the grain is filled? If I oil it, will that affect the patina it has built?

EDIT- Here is a pic of the entire kris in the condition I recieved it:
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Last edited by ThePepperSkull; 19th July 2011 at 04:42 AM.
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