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Old 13th July 2011, 10:50 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by VVV
Thanks for the added input.
PepperSkull, I have not tried a sub-hilt bowie, mostly I am playing around with Indonesian and Filipino blades and I find it hard to simulate it, not having anyone around.
Usually I place the finger along the blade when in the hammer grip position for better thrust aiming/blade alignment and close it if expected heavy resistance on impact, like when thrusting tree trunks for grip practice. But for really heavy knives maybe the sub-hilt solution is better?
Mohd, actually I am about the same size as Alam Shah (on the forum) but my hands are maybe slightly larger. If I hold it behind the protrusion it only fits close to 2,5 of my fingers! When I have the index finger on the protrusion it's only the little finger that is resting on the pommel.
I never use a glove for training except when full contact sparring. This is not a golf forum.

PS One of my Silat practice friends is quite small, smaller than most of his Indonesian and Malaysian instructors actually, and I will check if he can use it behind the "thing". Unfortunately he lives in Norway and will first be over here in September so it will take a while but I will let you know.
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