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Old 10th July 2011, 09:12 AM   #4
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Aquae Sulis, UK
Posts: 46

Hey Jim! I don't want to give away too much about these "coffin hilts" (the name comes from the shape of the pommel cap) as they form a chapter in the new book (as indeed also does Mr Runkel - I have much new information from his descendant Mr Harmut Runkel). However, as you say, they all date from around 1790 to 1796 and generally fall into three categories:
  1. Those carried by the 10th Light Dragoons
  2. Other regimental examples
  3. Unattributed examples

The 10th Light Dragoons examples start with the 16 no made by Foster and given by the POW to the 10th in 1792 - I have one of these and attach photo below. Thereafter, others marked to the 10th are known but differing in detail from the original 16.

Other regimental examples are known to 7th and 30th Light Dragoons and now to the RHA. There are also examples known to volunteer units including Leeds Light Dragoons and Warwick light dragoons.

Many unattributed examples also exist - photos of another of mine by Gill also below. There are also examples of naval coffin hilts.

Attached Images
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