Originally Posted by M ELEY
... My point is that it's too bad we've become so rigid that we can't discuss (on occasion) A Scottish baskethilt over on the Ethno forum or a Malay pirate sword here- 
I wouldn't put it the rigid degree, Mark my friend. But i would accept it to be sometimes tricky. A determined piece may be genetically ethnographic but
also European.
Given that that the youngest Vickingsword descendant has by no means the same load of clientele as the Ethno section Jim, as one of the European section's co-authors, is naturally revealing his motherly feelings

, by pulling the coal to his sardine ... isn't that right Jim ?
Originally Posted by M ELEY
... Back on topic with probably a really dumb question. If this form of sword served the Dalmations, is the supposition that they came from there, or were crafted in Venice for them?
Good question