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Old 9th July 2011, 09:36 AM   #15
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: NC, U.S.A.
Posts: 2,138

Beautifully sculped hilts on these types. I've always wanted to have one to hang above the mantle. Very nice pics, Barry.

Jim, you out-did yourself with that dissertation. Wish I had half the knowledge as you, my friend! Not to get off-topic, but I remember the days of the Forum when this item would still be considered Ethnographic in a manner of speaking. After all, it's not like these were generic models issued from an armoury. Each one of these appears unique in their own form and is due the respect they deserve. My point is that it's too bad we've become so rigid that we can't discuss (on occasion) A Scottish baskethilt over on the Ethno forum or a Malay pirate sword here-

Back on topic with probably a really dumb question. If this form of sword served the Dalmations, is the supposition that they came from there, or were crafted in Venice for them?
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