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Old 9th July 2011, 05:18 AM   #12
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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You're welcome Barry, and thanks again for the posting which gave me an opportunity to revisit and try to make sense out of my heaps of old notes.
The Nathan Robinson article is excellent, and probably one of the most comprehensive studies written on these.
For anyone wishing to pursue further, some of the other references I have found among my notes are, in addition to Norman and Wagner:

"A Schiavona Rapier" , Claude Blair. JAAS, Vol.V, #12, Dec. 1967 pp.453-454

"Blankwaffen: Schiavona" Gerhard Seifert, 'Deutsches Waffenjournal', Vol.2 #12, Dec. 1966, pp.42-7

"In Search of the Schiavona", Karel Sutt, Knives 2000, 1999, Ed. K. Warner

"Historical Guide to Arms and Armour", Stephen Bull, 1991, p.125

"17th Century Europe" by Anthony North , 'Swords and Hilt Weapons', Barnes & Noble, ed. M.Coe, p.74

While Stone remains an outstanding, and amazing most venerable resource, there are numerous revisions which are attributed mostly to the subsequent research which he himself encouraged in his introduction.

All best regards,
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