So I decided that I was going to take a break from antiques weapons because of the cost. But, a good deal came along and I decided to temporarily break the hiatus with a quick purchase.
This barong, not sure what island, but I am going to guess Sulu... has a sheath that's starting to split ventrally, has a chipped area near the mouth, the area under the ferrule is beginning to disintegrate, and there may have been more to the
kakatua at one point but I believe it was meant to be small and abbreviated... I feel like it was recently made (despite having a very nice and comfortable handle) because the sheath is very plain (though the wood seems good) and the steel... the steel seems to be not very old, not laminated, roughly polished, and without a very good distal taper... After some repair to the area under the ferrule perhaps this will be a very sturdy barong, one I wouldn't hesitate to use given the "not-so-pretty" blade.
My guts tell me its a newer piece, maybe 20th century, but not necessarily for tourists... still, being a novice, I have a good chance of being wrong.
