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Old 28th June 2011, 08:55 AM   #10
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Default Cleaned up.

Here some images of the rencong cleaned up.
The iron wire had been taken off the scabbard (cause they seem to wrapped around there for no use, and they were very rusty).
The scabbard had been cleaned, and the dark rustspots removed from the blade.
Also, as hoped for, the scabbard has nice floral motifs, but only very superficial because of wear because of handling and age..

PS: I found out that the father of Henri, called Frederik Ditloff de Chauvigny de Blot (as Arjan stated in his post), was assistant commissioner on Java, and died in 1914 on an age of 90 years.
So there might be a reasonable chance that Frederik was a collector as well, or was "the only" collector and Henri was his heir.
That would make the items even older as I even thought... ;-)
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