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Old 23rd June 2011, 10:10 PM   #21
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by Tim Simmons
The item that started this thread does indeed look as if it could be from the 19th century. It can be bit of a minefield Native American stuff "I have learned at my cost" but it is out there. Perhaps you are lucky. Much like the British Museum which has massive totem poles in its atrium. Picked from the source just at the time, late 19th century when the use of local art was at its most weak in a cultural sense.

This will sound a rather "erich von daniken" but I am begining to believe that iron work was happening in the Pacific North West well before official Western/European/USA contact.

Indeed it was, from contact with China and Siberia via trade networks operating in the regions to the north.
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