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Old 21st June 2011, 11:51 PM   #7
Gavin Nugent
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Default Lovely

Jim, Alex, thank you for the input.

Alex, great image, thanks for sharing.
Is it in a known reference for from someone's collection?
I'd love to see the whole thing in context.
I'd love to see others in context if they are known as it does seem very unusual given that it appears to me to be known in about 1 in every 200 Yataghan.
It would be interesting to know if it is a regional aspect given the accuracy of origins noted in a number of works I cited above.
I too feel it represents fire. The piece you present Alex shows to be within the beasts mouth, but the one I show seems to be more floral and earthy rather than a beasts mouth???

Any more out there, I know there are some keen Yataghan collectors here.

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