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Old 21st June 2011, 09:25 PM   #12
Fernando K
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 670

Hola, Rich

1 - Si la llave (lock) original hubiese sido la clásica llave de chispa (flintlock), la caja (stock) presentaría el receso para la contraplatina (sideplate), y si esta no fuera encastrada, al menos dos agujeros para los tornillos que sujetan la llave (lock). Particularmente, con el de atrás, que está situado muy arriba, detrás del tapón de culata (breechplug)

2- El perfil de la caja (stock) para la llave de miquelete original (miquelet lock) debe haber sido modificado, de manera que el suplemento (woden plug) fuera mas maciso (massive)

3 - Ayudaría también retirar la contraplatina actual (sideplate) y el guardamonte (triggerguard), para observar otras perforaciones.

4 - No he podido descifrar el punzón del cañón.(barrel)

Afectuosamente desde Argentina. Fernando K (no de Krchner)
Hey, Rich

1 - If the key (lock) had been the classic original flintlock (flintlock), the box (stock) would have a recess for contraplatina (sideplate), and if this were not embedded, at least two holes for the screws hold the key (lock). In particular, the back, which is located high up behind the plug head (breechplug)

2 - The profile of the box (stock) for the original Miquelet key (lock Miquelet) should be modified, so that the supplement (woden plug) were more mace (massive)

3 - It would also help remove the current contraplatina (sideplate) and guard (triggerguard) to look at other holes.

4 - I could not figure out the punch of the canyon. (Barrel)

Affectionately from Argentina. Fernando K (not Krchner)
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