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Old 18th June 2011, 02:32 PM   #7
Jim McDougall
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Originally Posted by tom hyle
No, that is not the only resemblance to a kampilan.
I was, in fact, considering the wooden/horn crossguard, and particularly the way its ends curve up, toward the pommel as resembling the crossguard on kampilan.
It also resembles a feature common on Chinese hilts (jian style), and I spent a bit overnite wondering if they might be Uighur etc. Chinese influenced swords.
The Tunisia ID seems correct though.
Actually in perspective that is a fairly placed note in the comparison, and when considering the commonality of the crossguard shape, in an entirely free association sense it is similar. They are both blockish in shape and the somewhat subtle upward motion indeed recalls by that condition the heavy shape of the guards on jian. I did not realize the comparison had nothing to do with suggesting any connection, so stylistically perhaps the similarity is valid in degree.
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