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Old 17th June 2011, 11:24 PM   #5
Martin Lubojacky
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Czech Republic
Posts: 841


Since Iain cited me, I should, maybe, add: My knowledge is only based on the following experience: As far as south Mediterranean coast is concerned I raked antique shops and markets in Tunisia, Libya and Egypt some time ago, and I saw (old) swords with this hilts in Tunisia (Djerba) only. I think it does not mean they are comming from Djerba (main Tunisian antique vendors are, in fact, a few big families, but their members are located "everywhere" and they move the goods in accordance with need), I just saw them there (and I have never been to Algeria or Morocco, so this research is not complete). By the way, you can find this "insert carpit like central sections" on Bu Saadi daggers´sheaths relatively often, too.

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