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Old 14th June 2011, 06:28 PM   #4
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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While African axes are not something I am overly familiar with, I am inclined to agree this is likely something Omani, and distinctly linked to the kinds of axes used by Bantu slavers mid 19th century both utilitarian and as weapons.
The wood seems similar to the axe which appears on Gavs site as noted, in which case the poll of the head extends through the haft.

The appears an embellished example, and the chain attached to the haft and linked to the aperture in the poll recall the chainguards on many Hadhramauti sa'ifs which would have been well known to Omani merchants in traffic to Zanzibar. The connections between the Bantu and Omani merchants in the slaving commerce is of course well established in these times.

This is plausibly the axe of a merchant of either Zanzibar or East Africa and likely an individual of status and clearly Muslim. The accoutrements of the Omani merchants were it would seem often well decorated and fashionable and this would have been a most attractively worn item.

All best regards,
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