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Old 10th June 2011, 08:23 PM   #8
Per Lillelund Jensen
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 5

Hi Michael and thanks

Unfortunately i haven't had time yet to go and examine the rest of the found lead-balls, but these approx. 700 lead-shot is found this last year(2010) Last month another 60 was found. Apart from lead-balls, hundreds if not over a thousand other findings has turned up. Medieval coins, bronze seal (signet) and all kind of every day life objects. Surprisingly no crossbow bolt-heads has been found so far.

Some years ago, i found on the castle grounds some forgotten cannonballs, that amazingly enough have been lying arounds in the vegetation's since 1535. 2 large cast iron cannons balls and 2 stone balls. The largest of the stones and the largest of the iron-balls both are Kartove kloder/Karthunen with a diameter from 20- 25cm and the iron one weigh around 36kg

Its known from historical sources that the besiegers i 1535 had brought 10 kartover/karthunen with them from Copenhagen to blast the castle with.
And they did for several months. Near 2000 german landsknecth and an army of citizen and peasantry under the comand of Graf Johan von Hoya besieged it and tried to take with storm several times, all in vain. The castle was impregnable.

Most interesting is a Inventory of the castle the year after the siege (august 1536) when the king took control over the castle. It list all the various cannons (17) and 32 hagebøsser of various types.

Attached is a mid 17th.c illustration of the castle and some photos of the cannonballs.

I will return with more photos of the leadshot when i have them.

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