Thread: Coffee Stains
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Old 5th June 2011, 07:16 PM   #3
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Hello Thilo,

That's an interesting experiment. I'm not a chemist or a keris professional, but I think what happened is by adding citric acid to coffee (acidic) you are actually increasing the acidity of the solution hence giving you the stain.

Coke are more acidic than coffee, perhaps it (+add some more citric acid) will give a better stain? If not, there's gotta be something in the coffee.

Also, perhaps you would like to compare your current staining result with a stain using 4L of hot plain water and 4 tablespoon of citric acid maybe? I used this solution to clean keris and sometimes it also gives a bit of reasonable staining to some keris.

I'm thinking of adding some sulphur (which can also stain) in the solution in the future, but normally to get sulphur easily mixed in the solution we need to add a bit of salt. The salt part is the one that worries me.
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