Thread: A clay grenade
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Old 5th June 2011, 06:09 PM   #1
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Default A clay grenade

I have acquired this clay grenade over six months ago, but i was holding its posting with great hope to get a genuine plug+fuse, as they were missing in it when i purchased it.
Unfortunately things didn't function as originaly expected and i have now decided to make a plug+fuse myself. I basically detest replicas but, above all, i couldn't stand the view of the grenade without such completion, so i picked a piece of pine wood and some 10 cms. of lamp wick and made a modest approach to the real thing, as observed in post #16 of THIS THREAD by Matchlock.
I wouldn't go into repeating the details about these grenades origin, as a keen description may be read in post #31 of the abovementioned thread.
The specimen now posted, being unplugged, is naturally empty of its former powder filling. It has a 13,5 cms. diameter and weighs 2,680 Kgs.
I like the marks in it; wonder whether they are from the maker or an ID of its allocation.
As a sign of my symphaty for this thing, i will use it as my temporary avatar.

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