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Old 23rd May 2011, 01:06 AM   #4
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Neo, from your post I believe that I can safely assume that you, yourself , are an Indonesian, living in Indonesia, and are a part of a keris study group in Indonesia, possibly in Jakarta.

As such, I believe it is reasonable for me to assume that you have a good understanding of Indonesian moral values and the characteristics of Indonesian society, and most particularly Javanese society.

May I most respectfully suggest that you consider the implications of establishment of any Indonesian group or organisation that set out to provide keris certification. Most especially you should consider this from the point of view of a dealer.

Similarly, perhaps you may care to consider the benefits to a dealer of an accepted structure that under-pinned the collection of the keris.

I believe you will already have the knowledge and experience necessary to answer your own question.
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