Originally Posted by Spiridonov
I think that this barrel is about 1480-90 years. Looks like barrels from Pilsen and Vienna. Please, look at the mark which is a hammer. I have seen similar mark on the barrels from museums of Vienna (Heeresgeschichtliches museum and Rustkammer). Who was the owner of this mark? 
Hi Alexander,
You are absolutetly right in assuming that the date given for this tiller haquebut by the NRA National Firearms Museum in Fairfax, Va., is far from being correct. 'Ca. 1350' is just ridiculous.
This mark, a goatsfoot hammer, is the personal mark of the famos barrelsmith Sebald Pögl the Elder, Thörl, Styria. Between 1498 and 1506, Pögl furnished 9,950 (!!!) haquebuts for the armories of the Emperor Maximilian I, so 'ca. 1500' would be the correct date for this piece.
Other haquebuts with Pögl's mark are preserved in the Vienna Hofburg and the Landeszeughaus Graz, Styria.