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Old 17th May 2011, 04:41 AM   #3
Warren McQ
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 40

Yes, it does resemble an old bayonet in shape, I guess I should have included some measurements.
The blade is 8 inches from the tip of the tang to the tip of the blade.
The tang is 1.5 inches and the blade is 6.5 inches.
The handle and bolster are a little more then 4 inches.
The overall when put together is 10.5 inches.
I don't know what type of horn the handle is.
The bolster looks like an old thimble cut to fit.
The handle is filled with a yellowish very hard cement that had dried out and allowed the tang to come loose.
I think it's too small to have been a bayonet blade at one time.

Warren in Arizona
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