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Old 16th May 2011, 09:23 PM   #16
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by simatua
To kick in an open door: Many information about the keris is lost, and i am afraid some things never come back. To preserve as many as possible i think a noble task is part for us : the keris lover&collector.

Thats why in my opinion its better to mention all things we know, and also mention why we call it like this. mention as many aspects and source of information
By saying notting, information is lost.

Whether its a Fiat Panda, or an Seat Marbella....Join the name game.
How can one ever be certain then that the name being generated is a preservation, a renovation, a regeneration or a complete misconception? What is the guarantee that any name that does not originate from a particular kraton's pakem is at all legitimate, even if it can be found in the writings of respected authors? Clearly what is lost is lost, yet it seems a name can always be found (or created) when enough collectors desire one. So what are the benefits of the name game in these instances? How does knowing the perceived name of a given pamor or dhapur increase our practical knowledge of the keris itself? Frankly i find myself much more interested not so much in what the name of a particular pamor or dhapur might be as much as why that particular pamor or dhapur was chosen in the first place. Of course in most cases this seems to be equal lost information.
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