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Old 15th May 2011, 08:07 PM   #8
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Semar, the Surakarta Pakem is not my Pakem.

In a matter of differing opinions, yes, I do prefer to follow this pakem, because to the best of my knowledge it is the only pakem that is still in existence and still observed by the Karaton which is the inheritor of Majapahit.

This pakem was prepared upon the orders of GKB Harya Hadiwijaya, by Sunarya, an abdi dalem of the Surakarta Karaton working in the Kridawahana office.It was completed on 24th. April 1924.

It came into the public domain about 25 years ago, at which time I had a loan of it for a week or so, and photographed it in its entirety. A few years ago it was published by the Yayasan Damartaji. Regrettably this publication was done on very poor paper, in fact it looks like reduced photocopies ( the original is in a very large format), and with an almost total lack of care, which has resulted in duplications and omissions in all of the copies of this publication that I have seen.
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