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Old 14th May 2011, 01:56 PM   #8
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Hi Jim ,
thank you for your input, certainly a conundrum. The 'meander' motif (border) in China is symbolic of 'clouds and thunder' . Its the 'mosque dome' ends that are 'throwing me'.....during the construction these ends would be much more difficult to create....which suggests that they are highly symbolic to the piece. I think, maybe a strong religious reason ....further suggesting that it may have contained something of religious importance (to the owner) Interesting that you mentioned a written 'amulet' initial thoughts were that it was used to carry prayers or verses from the Koran...but that was just a 'feeling'. Hence my vague reference to being 'warrior related' ....I can easily imagine, just before battle an individual praying to God for victory and carrying those prayers into battle as a protective talisman.

I would imagine that there is the possibillity that this piece could even have originated on the Indian side of the border with China,

Kind Regards David
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