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Old 13th May 2011, 09:21 PM   #5
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Thanks for the ideas, Denee and Gene....Fearn I think you are referring to 'Inro' ....this is the sort of thing I had in mind. Clearly not Japanese but perhaps based on the same idea . Inro were used to carry medicine, money, notes etc.
Definately seems to sit nicely when suspended from a belt (the concave back 'holds it 'against the hip/thigh ) Perhaps a pen/brush case but carried (on a belt) and shown in public may suggest a 'scribe'.

Not certain as to my initial Islamic origin although the top and bottom strongly remind me of Moorish/Mughal architecteral domes.
There is smooth 'wear' and much less patina on the concave side ....suggesting this area was 'rubbed' regulary , perhaps against clothing as the owner walked. If based on the idea of a 'Inro' perhaps Chinese as suggested.

Please keep those ideas coming

Kind Regards David
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