Congratulations. This is a nice Kindjal!
I copied the pictures and reversed them. I liked what i found; from Quranic verses, to Imam Ali praise and Sufi references!
- Translation:
First picture top inscription: Nasrun min Allah wa fat'hun qareeb wa bashir al mu'amineen. Ya Muhammad. Ya Ali. In english it is: Close Victory from Allah and close conquest, So give glad tidings to the Believers (This is a Quranic verse). O Muhammad. O Ali. <<<< is not part of the verse.
First picture bottom inscription: Madad e ---- Tarikat Haji ---- Wali. This is not arabic so I cannot translate. But looks to a sufi reference
2nd picture top inscription: La fata illa Ali, Walla saif illa Thul'Fiqar. In english it is: No Warrior equal to Ali, No sword equal to Thul'Fiqar.
2nd picture bottom inscription: Ina Fatahna laka fathan mubina. 9 Rajab Sannah 1218 or 1318. In english it is: We have given You a clear victory (Quranic verse). 9th of Rajab, Year 1218 (or 1318:P)
Last edited by A.alnakkas; 10th May 2011 at 07:18 PM.