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Old 9th May 2011, 04:34 PM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 31
Default ? on recently acquired Japanese swords

Good morning all:
Haven't posted here in a long time due to a couple of factors;one of which is a lack of material on my part.That changed the other day.
Our home town has an annual city wide garage sale and I found a couple of Japanese swords that I think are significant.I know very little about Japanese arms but I do know quality when I see it and I believe these qualify.
I am not looking to sell them but rather to try and date(approximately)them and maybe find out who made them.One is supposedly signed(the seller had taken one apart and butchered the pin holding the handle on)but I have no pictures of that.I have done nothing to them save wiping the blades down to remove any fingerprints as I want to preserve them as found for now.
Would like to find someone fairly close by(I live in southeast Michigan about 65 miles SW of Detroit)who could give me some opinions on them and possibly an appraisal.
My photographic skills are not the greatest;especially on objects this large,but I have included a couple:an overall shot and a couple of details.Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Ray Smith
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