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Old 3rd May 2011, 12:01 PM   #4
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

Hello Henri,

Your kris is a newer made kris that may have been rehilted. The ganga is not separate which means it is recent, and the grip area with the repousse work is Chinese (or Buddhist Indonesian?).
I agree with Jose that the grip area doesn't appear to be Moro work. The scabbard looks like later Sulu work (WW2?) and the blade could also be from there. BTW, what are the dimensions?

While there are hints that the separation line may only be engraved, it does look like being done deep and also the rest of the blade shows pretty good workmanship for 20th century work - I'd suggest probing with a fine needle to verify. In any case, my guess would be 1920-1940.

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